Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Exciting Internet Resources for Social Studies

Three internet resources I have found to be very resourceful are:

The first one I pay for myself and have kept my subscription for over five years now because of it’s valuable resources. It rarely fails me when I am searching for information or interesting facts. Also, it’s better than wikipedia since the information is from a trusted source.

Discovery Education is a site the Petersburg School District subscribes to. At the start page, it always has a “this day in history” blurb about something that has happened in the past. It is loaded with videos (mostly from PBS and other educational channels) that I can present in class, or post small clips from onto Moodle, where students can view them and answer questions. This is especially helpful with all the students that travel for extracurricular activities.

The National Archives is great for fact checking and finding. I don’t use it as much as the other two sources.

I highly recommend a subscription to Microsoft Encarta for those in the Social Studies field. If you have an overhead in your classroom or an online class site like Moodle, I recommend Discovery Education as well.